The Impressive Women Behind the Public Office

The ladies of the Public Office welcome everyone in with their cheerful energy. Left to right: Sandy Prizeman, Kathy Cree, Kim Ingram, Emily Schutz.

Many students at Ferris this year have never had a fully normal year here. This year is the first in a while that is expected to be fairly average, but the past years have taken a toll on student interactions with the staff. Even when some staff, excluding teachers, interact with students daily, they are still little known to almost the entire student body.  

The Public Office is a staple of Ferris High School. It’s the first-place people see when they enter the building. But what really makes the Public Office so important? Better yet, who? 

“I love working here. I went to school at Ferris, and I graduated in 2002. Then, a couple of years later, after I did college, then I came to work back in the student office. I’ve been an attendance secretary, and a counseling secretary, and now the athletics and activities secretary. I’ve loved working in all the different offices.” said Athletics Secretary Emily Schutz. 

“It’s been not much like work. It feels like every day is just coming into the people and the student body. It’s pretty awesome.” said door-greeter Sandy Prizemen. 

Students don’t ask these amazing women the questions they ask their teachers. How are you? Do you have a family? They come in for something and leave after they’re done, but maybe these ladies have something to say. 

“My husband and I, we just celebrated our 28th anniversary, and then I have two boys: I have a senior here at Ferris, and I have a freshman here at Ferris.” said Kim Ingram, support secretary and door-greeter. 

Some students know their family more than them. 

“I’m married to my husband, Bryan, for thirteen and a half years; a lot of kids here know him as Mr. Schutz from Chase.” said Schutz. 

While these ladies love Spokane, like everyone they want to travel. 

Office manager Kathy Cree said, “My bucket list right now is, there are glass igloos up in Finland, and during the day, you can take reindeer sleigh rides or dog sleigh rides, at night you can watch the northern lights from inside a glass igloo. How cool would that be?” 

“Hopefully I’ll get to visit Australia someday, and I would love to stay for, like, two weeks, and just explore the coastline and all of the scenery.” said Schutz. 

An interesting fact about some of these ladies is that not all of them grew up in Washington, as well as not going to college in Washington. 

“I [went to college] in Canada, that’s where I was born and raised.” Prizemen said. 

“Up in Alaska, that’s where I grew up.” Ingram said. 

And though some students may think it was ages ago, these women did go to high school and they did have career goals. 

“My career goal in high school actually was to go into broadcast journalism; I wanted to be a news anchor. I was in FIN when I was in school, and I thought that was so much fun.” said Schutz. 

“When I was younger, I always wanted to be a mathematician. So here I am, not doing that.” said Cree. 

They also have preferences, like their taste for food. 

“I don’t have a specific food that I like, I like a specific culture. My favorite is Korean food. I like all types of Korean food.” Ingram said. 

“My favorite type of food is probably Mediterranean, so Greek, Moroccan.” said Cree. 

They also have hobbies that interest them. 

“My favorite hobby is reading. I love to read, and, due to my surgery I was having a harder time reading, but I’ve been [listening to] a lot of audiobooks, and I really enjoy that.” said Prizemen. 

No matter how little known they are to the majority of the student body, they are grateful to be at Ferris. 

“This is perfect because the job is very suited to people with kids. My son goes to this high school, so it’s like a perfect opportunity for me.” said Prizemen. 

“[Students should know] that I care about them. I truly want every student here to be the best that they can be, and hopefully I can help facilitate that in a small way.” said Cree.